The Urban Garden is open

The Urban Garden has opened its doors to visitors to Royal Victoria Park.

The Urban Garden (which the Genesis Trust played a small part in developing) is a project of Grow Yourself, partnering with local charity Grow for Life, and B&NES Council.

As well as selling high quality, sustainable garden products (such as Bag for Life compost and serve-yourself bird seed) the Urban Garden has a social heart, with two main social objectives: employment and mental health.

The partnership with Grow for Life offers opportunities for people dealing with mental health challenges to get involved in gardening - which is recognised for its therapeutic properties. There is also training available leading to a City and Guilds qualification.

So if you are thinking of restocking your garden or your shed, do give the Urban Garden a try. There will also be volunteering opportunities available if you are interesting in gardening. See the website for more information.


No mow May


Local green spaces