Pray for COP26 on Wednesday 10 November

The COP26 Climate Summit takes place in Glasgow this month, ending on November 12. Joining with our brothers and sisters around the world, Christians in Bath are seeking to cover COP26 in prayer, and St Luke’s are asked to particularly pray on Wednesday 10th November. This will include our regular 7:30pm prayer time, but if you can also commit to an hour of half hour slot for prayer, then please let me know through the Church Office.

There are lots of resources to help you pray, and I suggest a few below:

A Rocha UK article “UK Government Policy, Climate and The Future”

26 Prayers for the Climate and Ecological Emergency from Green Christian

Daily Prayer in a Climate Emergency from Our Common Prayer

Prayer pointers from Prayer and Fast for the Climate

COP26 Prayer Pointers from WEA

The following seven areas for prayer are suggested by Compassion UK:

1. Pray for world leaders

Father, we pray for all world leaders, especially during COP26. We ask that you grant them wisdom as they work to lay out concrete plans to reach the targets set out in the Paris Agreement.

We pray for any country unable to attend in person due to COVID restrictions. We ask that this doesn’t detract from their ability to participate and pray for technology to run smoothly.

Loving Lord, we pray that you will place on the hearts of every leader those who are most vulnerable to climate change. Amen.

2. Pray for God’s creation

Heavenly Father, thank you for your beautiful creation that you have entrusted us with. We’re sorry we have not cared for your world in the way you intended us to. We pray that as we learn more about the climate crisis that we will not be overwhelmed. We pray that you will help us to each play our part in caring for your planet and everyone on it. Amen.

3. Pray for those most vulnerable to climate change

Lord God, our hearts break at the devastating impact the climate crisis is already having on those living in extreme poverty. We pray that this injustice will not be ignored, that more will be done to protect those left vulnerable and that governments will take action to protect those most vulnerable around the world, not just those in their own country. Amen.

4. Pray for children

Loving Lord, your word reminds us how much you value and love children. We pray for the climate crisis and the devastating impact it is having on children’s lives.

We thank you for young people and their passion and conviction to care and protect your world. We pray that their actions and words will be taken seriously. We ask that as adults we will strive to protect the world that they will grow up in. We thank you for Compassion’s local church partners and for the amazing work that they are doing to protect children and their communities. Amen.

5. Pray for justice

God of justice, we pray for fairness during the COP26 talks. Lord, we know that those who are worst hit by the climate crisis are those who have done least to contribute to it and have the fewest resources to implement change. We therefore pray for radical justice and for fairness in the decisions made at COP26. Amen.

6. Pray for accountability

Father, we pray that the decisions made during COP26 won’t be empty words. We ask that those in positions of power will be held accountable to the targets that have been set and that they will work with conviction to not only achieve these but go beyond them. We ask that the momentum is not lost after the talks have finished. Amen.

7. Ask God what you can do

Heavenly Father, we ask you to stir our hearts into action. Inspire us with ways we can make a difference in our homes, communities and the world around us. We pray for your prompting where we can do more to love our neighbour. Amen.


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